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Company Profile CRU (Conservation Response Unit) - Aceh

The Aceh CRU (Conservation Response Unit) institution is an institution that is actively involved in mitigating conflicts between humans and elephants at the site level in Aceh Province. In the Governor’s Decree No. 522.51/1097/2015 on the establishment of the Task Force for Human-Wildlife Conflict Management in Aceh Province, CRU Aceh is mandated as the frontline of the Task Force for Human-Wildlife Conflict Management.


The realization of Elephant conservation in Aceh Province with habitat management.


  1. Conducting natural resource conservation activities through wildlife protection efforts, especially endangered species and their habitats;
  2. Increase and develop awareness of the importance of maintaining and protecting natural resources, the environment, fauna and flora in an organized, planned and sustainable manner through socialization and counseling in an effort to realize an environmentally sound development;
  3. Creating an order of life that is in harmony, harmonious, balanced between nature, environment and society.
  4. Protecting elephant populations in pockets of natural habitat and increasing the capacity of law enforcement officials to combat crimes against elephants and other wildlife;
  5. Reducing the number and intensity of human-elephant conflicts effectively through optimizing barrier management, and encouraging the practice of coexistence between humans and elephants (no human deaths).
  6. Eliminate the potential direct threat of elephants being killed by snares, high-voltage electrocution and eating toxic food at priority sites.
  7. Rescue of isolated and doomed elephant populations.
Let's be part of protecting elephant habitat in Aceh together

Working hand in hand, we preserve and protect Aceh's elephants.

The realization of Elephant conservation in Aceh Province with habitat management.


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