BENER MERIAH (ACEH ) KOMPAS86.COM, Redelong – Deputy Regent of Bener Meriah Dailami signed the minutes of the Barrier handover with the Head of BKSDA Aceh. Tuesday (19-04-2022) in the second floor Oproom of Setdakab Bener Meriah.
Attending the elephant translocation plan meeting and the signing of the minutes of the Barrier handover ceremony was the Assistant for Economic and Development, drh. Sofyan. Assistant of Administration and General Armansyah, SE, M.Si. Head of Land Affairs Mahfudah, SH, MH, Head of Economy. Pintu Rime Gayo Sub-District Head. PRG Police Chief. Danramil PRG. 6 village chiefs from the PRG sub-district. CRU Aceh Director Wahdi Azmi.
Assistant for Economy and Development of Bener Meriah Secretariat drh. Sofyan, as the moderator of the meeting at that time, said that this meeting discussed the translocation of wild elephants, of which there are currently three in the Pintu Rime Gayo sub-district.
“On this occasion there will also be discussions related to the wild elephant translocation program that still exists in the Pintu Rime Gayo area and the signing of the minutes of Barrie’s handover by the regional government, in this case carried out by the Deputy Regent and the Head of the Aceh BKSDA Mr. Agus Arianto,” said Sofyan.
The event was attended by the Economic and Development Assistant. Administrative and General Assistant. Head of Aceh BKSDA. Dir. CRU Aceh. Head of Land. Bener Meriah Environment Office. Pintu Rime Gayo Sub-District Head, Pintu Rime Gayo Police Chief, Danramil 04 Pintu Rime Gayo. Head of Economy of Bener Meriah Secretariat. 6 Reje villages in the Pintu Rime Gayo region. Mukim Tugu RRI Pintu Rime Gayo Sub-district. AGC. Peh/BKSDA Aceh.
Deputy Regent of Bener Meriah Dailami at the meeting asked all parties to take care of and maintain the pensing fence that had been installed. This needs to be done, he said, so that the conflict between humans and wild elephants in the Pintu Rimen Gayo District can be resolved properly.
He also emphasized that the 6 Reje Kampung in Pintu Rime Gayo Sub-district must also control and maintain the location of the power fencing wire. The Deputy Head also requested that the village reje also cooperate with related parties in overseeing the power fencing.
The bottom line, said the Deputy Head of Bener Meriah, is that the local government fully supports the Translocation program in an effort to handle wild elephants in the Pintu Rime Gayo District.
Agus Arianto, head of Aceh BKSDA, told the meeting that the focus of the meeting was on the translocation of three wild elephants in Pintu Rime Gayo sub-district. In order for the translocation program to run well, said the head of Aceh BKSDA, support is needed from all parties, including the local government, sub-district heads, the police and military as well as village officials.
Meanwhile, Dir. Wahdi Azmi, CRU Peusangan Aceh, on the occasion also said that Bener Meriah District is expected to be an example of a comprehensive handling of wild elephant and human conflicts in Aceh Province.
Observed in the Oproom at that time after the signing of the minutes of the handover of the Barrier carried out by Deputy Head Dailami and Head of Aceh BKSDA Agus Arianto witnessed by all the invitations at that time.
(Rahmat /BM Prokopim Team)